Imagine buying a new car that was beautiful and functional in every way except it could not go above 30 miles an hour. This is much like buying an SEO campaign that only focuses on ranking. You might get great ranking but your ROI is seriously throttled.
Unfortunately many SEO providers do exactly what they say they will do, which, as it turns out, isn’t enough. Just getting ranked and getting traffic does not a sale make.
Once rankings have been achieved there must be a comprehensive strategy designed to convert those website visitors into sales, leads, appointments, etc. This strategy should include a combination of website usability, analytics data analysis and persuasive sales copywriting.
The “360″ in SEO Consultant 360 is symbolic of our unique, holistic approach to SEO. We understand that SEO is only a tactic and cannot stand alone, much like a one-legged stool. In order for SEO to truly create value for your business it must also include those components that will complete the circle between search and sale.
Each of our campaigns includes SEO as well as analytics/reporting and a website visitor conversion strategy, all baked in, at no extra cost.